RollerMotion Skate Center.Com
2474 Morgan Road
Bessemer, AL 35022

Session Party Package
$225.00 (plus tax)
For 1-10 Children
Birthday Child included in the count
(All children under the age of 21 are counted)
Any Additional Child is $15
Skate for the Entire Session
A Party Room or A Table Party
for 2 Hours
Included in Package:
2 12-inch Pizzas and 2 Pitchers of Soda
All Your Paper Products
(Plates, Cups, Forks, Napkins & Place Mats)
The Birthday Child Receives:
A Roller Motion T-shirt (One per party)
Spin the Wheel for Prizes
Extra T-Shirts are $15.00
You Can Bring Cake and Ice Cream Cups
No Other Outside Food and Drink Allowed
Treat Bags must be given out in Lobby as your guest leave.
No Confetti, Silly String, Banners, Backdrops or Balloon Arches Allowed
$50 clean-up fee if brought.
Walkers are Not included in Party Prices
$100.00 Non-Refundable Deposit Required
Groupons are not allowed in conjunction with birthday packages.
There is an additional 3.95% charge for credit cards.
Private Party Package
$475.00 (plus Tax)
For 50 skaters
Any Additional Person is $8 plus tax
2 Hours Private Use of The Roller Rink
50 Sets of Paper Products
(6-in. Cake Plates, Cups, Forks & Napkins)
6 Pitchers of Soda Provided
Outside Food and Drink Allowed For Private Parties
(No Crock-Pots or Candle Warmers)
Each Guest Receives:
Admission w/Regular Skate Rental
A Return Skating Pass
The Birthday Child Receives:
A Roller Motion T-Shirt (One Per Party)
Spin the Wheel for Prizes
Extra T-Shirts are $15.00
Pizza Not Include, but you have the option to purchase 7 12-inch pizzas for an
additional $84.00
$200.00 Non-Refundable & Non-Transferable Deposit Required
No Confetti or Silly String Allowed
$50 clean-up fee
Walkers are Not included in Party Prices
Most Popular times are Fridays 5pm-7pm,
Saturdays 12pm-2pm & Sundays 12pm-2pm & 5pm-7pm.
There is an additional 3.95% charge for credit cards.
Walkers for Beginners
$7.00 Deposit
$2.00 Upon Return